Met up with these two very photogenic cats on the way back from J8 (and tea with Megan) yesterday evening.They were the usual stray-alley cats variety (probably fed and taken care of by someone in one of the neighbouring blocks though).
Dad accuses them of causing scratches on cars... but any car manufacturer that uses paints and coatings that aren't cat-scratch proof should be ashamed of themselves! Cat claws are not be that sharp to scratch the gloss of your car paint... UV rays do more to harm your car's paint than cars.

Anyway, these two seemed rather friendly last night. Besides doing the usual rub-between-your-legs thing, they took turns coming up to me to get a gentle scratch behind the head or a stroke here and there. One of them even rolled on the floor to allow me to scratch his/her belly :p

I have always liked furry animals (only those that do not bite!). I'll be seeing these guys around...

Awwww!!! The last cat looked kinda goth with that black lipstick going on! Swooon.
~ k
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