This shot was taken from the backseat of our car, which was going at around 70kmh on an overcast day (Sunday,19 June 2006 at 2:22pm). The bronze coloured Ford Focus SDW 2891M was speeding ahead (positive relative speed). So I quickly whipped out the D200 and its 18-200 and fired off this shot at 200mm.
Those of you who have long telezoom lenses will appreciate how hard it is to get a sharp shot under those conditions. I only had one chance. And it came out ok. Good enough for me to consider submitting this photo to the Traffice Police. Driver of SDW 2891M was speeding (doing 100+kmh along Braddell road). Nevermind that. He irked me enough to take the shot not just because he was driving with reckless speed but he was also overtaking aggressively, weaving in and out like a madman.
Anyone who wants the EXIF data can email me. The D200 has an authenticity certification feature to show that this pic has not been doctored.
Shame on you SDW 2891M! And welcome to the digital world.

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