I am sad and angry. This time round, one of us has paid the price. I don't know Ms Lo Hwei Yen personally. But this time, its personal.
I fully agree with Singapore The New Paper's Ken Jalleh Jr. He had called the terrorists "cowards". What hit home the hardest was his point that in each terrorist attack it had always been numbers (deaths and injuries) that were the first to be tossed up and “So we wind up mourning quantity rather than people; we may sympathise, but we are largely detached. That was so of the Mumbai attacks, too – until yesterday. NOW suddenly, there is a face to the massacre – a face made familiar and personal by nationality. Suddenly Mumbai is not that far away. Now it has hit home.”

My deepest condolences to all the victims of the Mumbai attacks, and especially to the loved ones that Ms Lo left behind. She will always be remembered.
Labels: cowards, lo hwei yen, singapore river, terror, terrorism
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