Thursday, July 20, 2006

Lunch with Megan

This week's theme is definitely "Kids". With two more months before Steph gives birth, its time for us new parents to get as much information from all those who have "been there", "done that" or "are still doing it". :)

Its been a while since I've seen Megan so when we learnt that Megan was going to the libary (clever gal!), we tagged along. Met up in the children's section (where else?!) and saw her happily running around among the books. Megan's a smart kid. Speaks excellent english (for a one-plus year old) although she speaks only in the royal third person... and always in affirmative, commanding sentences like "Megan sit", "Megan go there" or "Megan hungry, go eat". Such is life. We work for bosses who kick us around in order to raise kids who boss us about. Oh well... its sure worth it when one's boss has a smile like this one. :)

See you around Megan! You'll have a new playmate in a couple of months... lets hope the two princessess can get along!

(PS Megan's mommy can get all the pics for that afternoon from Picasa Albums from the link on the right) Posted by Picasa


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